Posted on 29-12-20
Baobab, also known by their scientific name Adansonia, the pulp, leaves and seeds of baobab fruit which is also available as oil and available in powdered form have been associated with many health benefits and are staple in various recipe and cuisine.
- Rich in many vitamins and minerals, the pulp is high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and several key minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, and zinc. The leaves are rich in calcium and high quality proteins, the seeds and kernel of the plant are loaded with fiber, fat and micronutrients like thiamine calcium and iron, powdered baobab contains many nutrients but especially high in vitamin C, vitamin B6, niacin, iron and potassium.
- Baobab is also high in fiber, with most powdered preparations packing around 4.5 grams of fiber into each tablespoon.
- It can help balance blood sugar levels when baked into white bread, it reduces the amount.